Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Finding healing for body, mind and soul at the Mind Key Winter Solstice Celebration

Barbara Steingas is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker and radiant life coach. She has written three books which share her tools of healing and wholeness through body, heart and spirit, drawing on her personal path of healing, and 30 years experience as a physical therapist. Her coaching, workshops and talks are designed to help you quickly identify the missing pieces to your personal healing puzzle, optimize your health and vitality, and live the radiant life you deserve.

As a member of the Mind Key Community, Barbara will be joining us at the Winter Solstice Celebration this Saturday in West Milford, NJ.  Visit to learn more about this day of free events, demonstrations, crafts, live music and open mic, and more for the entire family.

"I have creativity/artistic talent in my genes," Barbara said. "My maternal grandfather was an opera singer in Germany and my dad was a musician, mainly saxophone. I danced ballet and played flute in my youth, but didn't reconnect with my artistic side until my late 30s."

Divine inspiration came while watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" for about the 3rd time, and she wrote her first book about her German family.

"It occurred to me that I have so many warm and touching stories about them and one doesn't hear about that aspect of the German culture too often," Barbara said.

She was also compelled to write about her journey of recovery from Crohn's disease. This book, The Healing Puzzle won Honorable Mention Winner of the 2nd Annual Global Book Contest.

"Writing, especially journaling,  is a great way to assist with healing by allowing one to release emotional, mental and spiritual dis-ease, which when held inside, leads to physical disease of the body. It allows us to creatively express our true inner feelings safely and allows us to discover our authentic voice," Barbara said.

At her table, Barbara will be offering her three books: Germans are Funny, Too!, a story of experiencing and understanding the German culture through her cuckoo Kraut family, and the healing that comes with it; The Healing Puzzle, a story of how unconditional love helped Barbara heal from a chronic autoimmune disease; and Solving the Crohn's and Colitis Puzzle, where Barbara shares seven simple and easy-to-follow strategies for body, mind, emotion, and spirit which are designed to help those suffering from Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis improve and optimize their quality of health.

In addition to taking appointments for her one-on-one coaching sessions for living your most vibrant and radiant self, Barbara will be offering health consultations including seated chakra balancing with reiki healing at the festival.  Each 20 minute session is only $20.

Barbara will also be onstage at 12:00 noon to talk about Five Simple Strategies to being Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually Fit.  In this talk, she will share how feelings, interactions with others and thoughts can combine with food and mindful physical practices (such as yoga) to help the body function in a state of wholeness and health.

"Everyone has a puzzle in their past that created where they are now, but there is also a puzzle of where they want to go in all areas of their life, such as goals for health, financial prosperity and relationships. I help people find the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pieces they need to achieve these goals so they can live their life fully and radiantly."

Barbara's piece "Everything in Moderation" can also be found in Yin and Yang: The Duality of Balance, Mind Key's second anthology, which will debut and be available for sale at the festival this weekend.

Learn more about others at the festival:
About the festival
The Village Shaman 
Living your most radiant life
Muses with Scissors creativity for all
Essential oils and goddess energy

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