Monday, November 16, 2015

Sneek peek: The Mind Key Winter Solstice Celebration and holiday shop

This week we will be sharing the stories and offerings of vendors that will be joining us at the Mind Key Winter Solstice Celebration this Saturday, November 21st from 11:30-5 pm.  There will be talks, live music, and a number of free events and demonstrations.

Learn more about:
The Village Shaman 
Living your most radiant life
Muses with Scissors creativity for all
Essential oils and goddess energy

The Winter Solstice Celebration is a day of vendors, music, talks and events for the entire family. Finish your holiday shopping early with our vendors, and with the Mind Key gift certificate, offering products and services to help you live your happiest, healthiest, most inspired life--the perfect gift for anyone ready to live their passion.

 Join us at Lindy Lake Manor house
270 Maple Road, West Milford, NJ
Saturday, November 21, 2015
11:30 am - 5 pm

Including a number of free events throughout the day:
*Raffles and giveaways
*workshops & demos
*Live music & open mic
*Readings from Mind Key's newest Anthology
*Spiritual collage with "Muses with Scissors"
*Interpreting your dreams
*Essential oil demo
*Motivational speakers
*Strategies to be whole-body fit
*Holiday crafts with "That's It!" Art Studio
        and much much more!

Schedule of events

1:00-2:30 Musicians open mic

3:15-4:15  Poet and writers open mic


Speakers and demonstrations

12:00-- 5 Tips for Healthy Spirit and Body
                    with Barbara Steingas
12:20-- Goddess energy and essential oils
                    with Jane Morba
12:40-- Healing naturally
                    with Dr. Lisa Avila
2:30 -- Dream Interpretation
                    with Jefferson Harman
2:40 -- Living with inspiration
                    with author Azuka Zuke Obi


*Gold, silver and gemstone jewelry
    by jeweler and artist Rachel Bertoni
*The Village Shaman--
    crystals, healing tools, and tarot & chakra readings
*Tarot card and psychic readings
    by Sarah Loukos & Kathy Fuering
*Dream Interpretation
    by Jefferson Harman
*Spiritual Healings
    with Kathleen Santora
*Chakra balancing with reiki
    with Barbara Steingas
*Essential oils and consultations
    with Jane Morba
*Healing consults and sessions
    with Chiropractor, kinesiologist & herbalist Dr. Lisa Avila
*Motivational and inspirational books & gifts
*Handcrafted jewelry
    by SuZen RavenHeart
*Cupcakes & baked goods
    by Sweet Sweet Wonderland
                        and many others

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