Thursday, November 19, 2015

Connect with your Muse at Mind Key's Winter Solstice Celebration

Red Room, art and poetry by Tara Ann Lesko
To not live some sort of creative life makes little sense to me. I love creating with words. I love working with collage paper, scissors, and glue. In the rigmarole and chaos of the 21st century, it's too easy to fall into a drone-like eat-sleep-work routine. Creative endeavors such as visual arts, gardening, dance, or writing pull us out of the abyss of the mundane. Only when we create do we reach a deeper understanding of ourselves and our places in this world.

Bare Bones, Tara Ann Lesko
             With the support of Mind Key, Muses with Scissors hopes to prove that there is no such thing as sucky, talentless art. If it moves you or makes your eyes dance and your soul hum, then it's art. But more importantly, art is the vehicle for energetic and spiritual change, and deep personal growth.

You are not bound by right or wrong.

           At the Muses with Scissors booth this Saturday, be prepared to lose yourself in an array of colors, patterns, pictures, and positive affirmations. Muses was designed to take a different approach to the art and wine party craze. Your party host comes to your home with all of the materials needed so that you and your friends can enjoy a meaningful and explorative art experience.

          The focus of each party is collage making and you will have the opportunity to work with various media. Your party host will also supply prompts and inspiration to spur on the creative vibes.

          At the Mind Key Winter Solstice Celebration, all are invited to the Muses table to dig into collage making. Instructions and prompts will be provided so that you may get a taste of what a collage party has in store.

          Tara Ann Lesko, creator of Muses with Scissors, will also have some of her collage poetry on display and for sale. Stop by and grab a framed print, handmade affirmation and greeting cards, or a bookmark for the word and art lover on your list.

From the Vine, Tara Ann Lesko 

Learn more about others at the festival:
About the festival
The Village Shaman 
Living your most radiant life
Muses with Scissors creativity for all
Essential oils and goddess energy

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