Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Meet The Village Shaman at the Mind Key Winter Solstice Celebration 11/21/15

We are pleased to announce The Village Shaman as one of our vendors and healers at the Mind Key Winter Solstice Festival in West Milford, NJ this Saturday

 Today, Kieran of The Village Shaman shares The Village Shaman's philosophy and offerings:

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts".
                                                               ~ Aristotle

Holistic care addresses not only imbalances of the physical body, but encourages harmony within the entire being, body, mind and spirit. The Village Shaman believes that the best healing occurs within a partnership between client and practitioner, in which the client is educated and inspired to take an active part in sustaining their well-being in all aspects of life.  Through a variety of modalities, we offer an opportunity to rediscover health, peace and empowerment. By living our own Truth in integrity and joy, we who walk the shaman’s path hope to inspire others to do the same by reawakening their inner wisdom.

Traditionally, shamans have been the Wounded Healers of societies and cultures, enduring a symbolic—and sometimes literal—process of death and rebirth. Through this powerful journey they learn to heal themselves, often with the assistance of spirit guides and guardians, angels, buddhas or other spiritual beings, and having traveled this path of healing, are called to guide others to wholeness. The shaman walks between worlds, acting as healer, warrior, mystic, counselor and teacher as required.

Most of us are aware of the many changes taking place in our world today... socially, culturally, economically, spiritually, even climatologically. With compassion and insight, The Village Shaman hopes to assist people in adjusting to these changes as smoothly as possible.

The Village Shaman carries a variety of raw and polished crystals, geodes and healing tools, plus an eclectic assortment of jewelry. Prices range from $1 to over $100, with most merchandise ranging between $10 - $30. We also offer services by appointment including Tarot and Chakra Readings, Life Empowerment, Guided Meditation, Energy Balancing and Herbal Medicine.

At the Mind Key Festival, we will display a selection of our merchandise as well as offer readings (approximately 20 min) at a special discounted festival rate of $20. Stop by to view a fusion of natural beauty and creative inspiration, enjoy an Intuitive Card or Chakra Reading, or just say hello!

The Village Shaman offers:

Intuitive Card or Chakra Readings

Michka Grant
“Awaken Your Inner Light”

“My main goal is to help people.  Lead them back on the path that they've wandered away from.  Help them in their relationships.  Help them understand why they have the problems they do.  All of the information given to them is guided by and attributed to Spirit.  The work I do doesn't start with me.  I am only a vessel, not the source.”   
~ Michka, Brindle Light Wolf Spiritual Consulting

Michka Grant – Also known as ~White Raven~ is a unique Tarot Reader and Intuitive. He has a variety of decks from which clients can choose, and employs an approach which allows the cards to speak to the client directly through the words of the original authors. Michka’s technique allows for the “Wall of Privacy” to be maintained, as he is made aware only of what needs to be addressed during the reading. There are also are times when additional information comes through. Guided by Spirit, Michka shares his insights with a blend of humility and perception, to provide honest and often eye-opening readings.

Herbal Medicine     

 “Treat the person, not the disease.”
                                    David Winston, RH (AHG)

As holistic practitioners, our goal is to use the natural healing properties of herbs to nourish & support the body’s innate intelligence & gently guide the systems back into alignment, while providing encouragement to make lifestyle changes that address underlying issues.

Energy Balancing

Energy Balancing is a form of healing in which the energy system is rebalanced and replenished, promoting harmony among the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

A being’s energy system can be compared to the circulatory system. If there is a blockage in one of the blood vessels, if blood has been lost or the pressure is too high, a body won't function to the best of its ability.  Likewise, if one’s energy is depleted or stagnant, if there is a blockage or a leak, that being will not experience the fullness of their capacity.

And more!

The Village Shaman is proud to support businesses who display integrity, compassion, & Fair Trade practices. Check out our Likes on Facebook for local businesses you can trust!  Also, we have an Online Marketplace for those unable to attend the festival!

Stop by to see us at the Mind Key Festival on Saturday,  November 21st on Maple Road in West Milford, NJ.  Click here for more information, to sign up for our open mic and to learn about our vendors and free, family-friendly events throughout the day.

Learn more about others at the festival:
About the festival
The Village Shaman 
Living your most radiant life
Muses with Scissors creativity for all
Essential oils and goddess energy

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