Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Spirit Deer

In early summer of this year, I popped my shamanic drum circle cherry. I had an idea of what to expect, but the actual experience differed greatly from my expectations. Thanks to fellow Mind Key members Vera Remes, Reiki Ruth, and Danielle Rose, I now have a hunger for shamanic journeying and working with spirit or totem animals. 

Somewhat deep in the woods of Ringwood, NJ, a group a seekers and I came together around a lush fire with drums, shakers, Smores, and hot dogs. Before this meeting, I had not spent much time in the woods, and I hated realizing what I had missed. Spiritually consuming nature is a necessity to true connectedness, no matter where you are mentally or emotionally. The most anticipated event at this drum circle, besides all the melted chocolatey and marshmallowyeuphoria, was the meditative journey to the spirit animal.
Now, some say you should not reveal what your power animal is. I am going to break the rules, so to speak, because I personally feel your animal is your animal no matter what. In a way, I believe by sharing my story, I give my totem even more significance. On that early summer evening in the woods, I connected with the deer. In all honesty, I was really hoping for a wolf. I've had an intense fascination with wolves and was a bit skeptical as to whether or not the deer really suited me.

Shortly after this circle, I stumbled upon the art of Laura Daligan at lauradaligan-art.comAs I was flipping through slides of her visionary art and painted drums, her "Spirit Deer" (pictured here) almost knocked me on my skeptical ass. Staring me in the face was the same deer I came face to face with during my meditative journey in the New Jersey woods.
Those eyes. I could not get over those eyes. Needless to say, Laura Daligan's "Spirit Deer" does not allow me to deny this animal's spirit. 

I may not agree with the suggestion of keeping your spirit animal to yourself, but I do agree with one thing. You cannot pick your power animal on a whim, hence why my beloved wolf wasn't for me. According to Takatoka's presentation, "Spirit Guides & Totems",  "An animal spirit guide cannot be chosen by the individual...These 'games' do not work and they give their victims false impressions that may lead a sincere person far astray from their goal of connecting with animal spirits to help them in their walk in life...The Spirit chooses you and they decide to whom they will reveal themselves and make their friend." 

If you want to find your power animal, spending some time with your favorite tree in your backyard or walking through an unmanned path can increase the likelihood of encountering your animal spirit guide. Additionally, no one else can pick your animal for you. Connecting is up to Spirit and your willingness to open up to it. Pay attention to recurring images and signs. Engage in guided meditations and shamanic journeys, and once you find him or her, give thanks. (TakatokaManataka American Indian Council)  

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