Friday, July 22, 2016

Healing with nature through meditation

Accepting responsibility for your own illusions 
[illness, anger, wrong-minded thinking and actions] 
Is the acceptance of your own power 
With the responsibility that your acknowledgement of it 
Can change without any judgement

Whenever you are ready, you will heal
Whenever you are willing to trade your illusions
for the real world
Your illness or sadness will pass
You will heal when you realize the universe sees you as perfect
When you are ready to step into that perfection
'When your connection to light stands first
When you let all the love within you manifest
Helping you to remember 
There is no illness
There is no illness
The universe sends this message to you over and over again
All you have to do is remember
So whenever you're ready
The universe and all its glory and your glory are waiting
The love they will give
No illness can withstand
Step into the eternal light of love


Find these meditations and more in 
Thoughts to Awaken the Spirit 
By Kathleen Santora

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