Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Meditation for accepting another's path

If I have never walked the path of my brother
If I have never felt his pain
If my lessons have not walked a darkened path
If I hold every thought every feeling every lesson within my soul
I will hold every judgment on this path that I embark on now
In my own evaluation
Will I reach my hand out to my brother
Only seeing his light
Remembering only the love
As we reach out light to another soul
We will allow that connection of light
The connection of our own soul to another
Both of us becoming part of the universe
Both taking our rightful place
Leaving all darkness



Kathleen Santora teaches meditations and self-healing through the understanding of one’s own personal energy. A spiritual healer for the past 30 years, Kathleen began trance healing later when she became aware that angels were working with her during healings. She has since learned to step back and allow her angels to come forward and work through her.

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