Thursday, March 31, 2016

Everything is 100%

Charla Dury: The Grounding Rod - Focusing your energy in the present moment


The Symbol for Yin and Yang resonates with me.  It always has.  In fact, I have a tattoo with a yin yang symbol in the center.  Not even kidding.

I was looking around as I was thinking about writing this blog and I noticed that everything is whole.  And I'm not just talking about an uneaten pizza or other circle shaped things.  Even non-circle shaped things are always 100% because there's always a balance.  The earth provides balance.

When one thing is less, others are more.  When a glass is half empty, its technically 100% full, even if only 30% is water.  The other 70% is air, but the glass is technically 100% full.  My son is always reminding me. "Is this glass half empty or half full, mom?"  And I pick one or the other, depending on my mood that day.  He's always right there to tell me that I'm 100% wrong.  The kid's brain and logic makes even me tired.

All I'm trying to say is that we are all whole.  100% of us.  Whether only 40% of us is focused on one thing or another, we are still 100% there in every moment.  Think about that.  100% of you is here.  Right where you are.  Be here.  Be present in the moment.

And enjoy it.


If you'd like to read more of Charla's grounding words, visit her at  

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