Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Have you ever had an Extraction Healing?

As the founder of and practitioner with Raven Reiki, Vera Remes offers Usui Reiki with nuances of Shamanism and psychic intuition.  She also offers Shaman Oracle and Angel Card readings and is a certified H3 Energy Healing Therapist.  Vera's column (Vera's Rave'n) will focus on the many aspects of Shamanism.

Extraction Healing, always trying to learn something new to help my clients.  As you know, I am attracted to the Shamanic way of life. The concept of getting rid of stuff that's weighing me down is appealing. So when a “soul extraction healing” workshop was to be given by Michael Harner’s Institute for Shamanic Studies, I jumped at the chance to really learn about this fascinating concept.  I have taken internet courses that touched upon this subject but the thought of an in depth experience, with real live people to work on and receive healing from, all with the same core beliefs, excited me.

If you haven’t heard, Shamanic extraction is the removal of misplaced energy, sometimes called intrusions, from the spirit or soul of the client. This is energy that does not belong in the body and may cause illness. I say misplaced not negative, because there is no “negative” energy from a Shamanic perspective. If energy is misplaced or it isn’t in accord with the environment (the human body, or the body of land…) it will bring illness. 
Do you store your stress or anger in your stomach, back, or as a headache or do you get angry and ever send your anger out at someone. Then perhaps you are the recipient of misplaced energy or worse yet, the sender.  Remember the guy that cut you off yesterday and the insult you hurled behind the protection of the windshield, well, that energy was sent and may well have resulted in misplaced energy in his or her soul.  Words do have power.  Since taking this workshop I have changed my ways and when cut off in traffic or otherwise annoyed behind the wheel, I try to just say something generic like “Really!” Trying to employ that concept throughout my life too.  Try it sometime, not so easy.  Anger is not the only energy that may be misplaced.  An old injury or an organ donation can result in misplaced energy.  All things have energy and those energies may not be compatible with the recipient.
First, we were taught the “diagnosis”.  Each Shaman perceives the energy that needs to be removed differently. It may appear as black sludge, smell putrid or be “felt”.   Once diagnosis is complete, the Shaman merges with his or her guardian spirits which protect the Shaman from receiving the misplaced energy and also increases the Shaman’s power.  I’ve blogged about Power Animals and how to find them and now I know how to use their powers fully.  At the workshop entire the first day was devoted to finding your helping spirit(s). Imagine my surprise when one of my helping spirits was an elemental that appeared during my own energy healing many months prior.  A cute little bugger with a big nose and a round face. Yes, completely round and no body I could discern. I learned how to call him and my other spirit helpers into my space with a rattle and whistle, while others in my group sang songs or made sometimes strange noises.  Once merged we removed the energy and disposed of it by hurling it toward a nearby body of water to neutralize it. Then we filled the void in the soul left by the energy with cleansing water or preformed a power animal retrieval for the client. 
Very powerful stuff this Shamanic healing technique.  I know that by the emails I continue to receive from my fellow students.  All of us were exhausted after the weekend and felt very close even though separated by great distances after sharing this experience.  We have taken to calling ourselves a “tribe."  Eight people who didn’t know each other before were united in this common experience of giving and receiving healing.  Our Shaman/instructor, who I believe to be clairvoyant, guided us through an arduous experience that we all emerged from as better healers and people.  
If you haven’t experienced an extraction healing and want to, find your local Shaman, which may be an ordeal in itself, and try it.  I believe I emerged from the weekend cleansed of energy which was holding me back and renewed with positive energy in its place.  I am a Reiki Master, have performed several extraction healings, and would be glad to assist anyone who would like to experience this awakening for themselves. 
As a thank you for reading, the first people in the NY/NJ Highlands area to contact me and mention this blog will receive an in-person extraction healing session free of cost.

Comment here or visit to learn more and take advantage of this opportunity.

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