Friday, November 13, 2015

Scrivener Tutorial: Why I wouldn't use any other word processing or organizational program

Whether you've never heard of Scrivener, or whether you use it regularly, this simple, easy-to-use program is always surprising me with how versatile, effective, and powerful it truly is.

While it's impossible to talk about everything Scrivener does in one blog or tutorial, today I'm discussing why this program is one of the most effective time-saving and organizational tools I discovered as a novelist and a freelance writer.

For one, I can keep everything I'm working on in one handy-dandy online "file cabinet."  This means if I'm NaNoWriMo-ing, and need to pick up a phone call with a contact for an interview, I can click off my NaNoWriMo folder and easily click to my article folder, creating a new blank document in the appropriate spot.

I can keep all my notes conveniently alongside my interviews. When I'm ready to write, I simply duplicate the research article, and all my interview notes get carried over with the interview itself.

Now I can move folders around to organize the article in a coherent and effective way without losing track of, or having to search my notes for who-said-what.

Clearly these features are just as helpful for writing a lengthy novel. The corkboard view lets you see your chapter or scene synopses at a glance to find what you need to edit, or to easily move it within the story.

To learn more about Scrivener check out our tutorial below. Even seasoned users may find some tips you didn't know before. I know I discover new ones every day!

If you have questions for us to address in our next Scrivener tutorial please leave them below as a comment--or if you have anything I missed or got wrong, please let us know!

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