Thursday, May 19, 2016

Newport, RI Event - Community Garden Building 5/21

Mind Key fully supports all sustainable living endeavors and this group embodies it all, involving community at every turn in the Newport, RI area.

Community Garden Building at the Great Friends Meeting House


You may have seen Aquidneck Community Table's video for our Community Garden Initiative (if not, you can check it out here)--here's your chance to actually get your hands dirty! From 12:30 PM to 5 PM on Saturday, May 21st, you can join us outside the Great Friends Meeting House (21 Farewell St) in Newport to help build raised beds for the community garden plots. Since we will be providing lunch, we need an accurate idea of who will be attending, so please RSVP on our Facebook event or by emailing (you can also email this address if you're interested in an application for your own garden plot).

Aquidneck Growers Market, Sustainable Aquidneck, the Island Commons Food Initiative
Aquidneck Community Table
PO Box 1481
Newport, RI 02840

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