Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Mind Key Community: Meet Dr. Kevin Hall Kevin Hall of Do Well Be Well utilizes a wide variety of modalities for health including sports and functional medicine, and acupressure.

“There are people that looked up at the starts and just saw stars, then there are those that looked up and saw constellations,” Kevin said.  “I’m a constellation seer.”

This talent, and his experience and extensive skills as a doctor in both traditional and alternative medicines has allowed Dr. Hall the opportunity to offer perspectives and guidance in a broader context than most doctors and health care professionals.

“Everyone exists within and everything takes place within a context, a domain,” Dr. Hall said.  “Understanding the broader picture of the domain helps to frame responses, approaches and even perspectives that allow an individual to not only look at short term, but medium and longer term implications of whatever it is they happen to be dealing with.”

Patients appreciate Dr. Hall’s ability to offer this perspective in a context that is meaningful, as well as his skills in presenting technical information in a way that makes sense in terms of finding a solution.

“I think that we are all affected by everyone that we meet and interact with and that sometimes they mold or reshape our way of understanding things,” Dr. Hall said. “When that happens it acts in a way that broadens ones own perspective.  That knowledge goes to expand our own knowledge of the universe and how it works, and how things occur for others.”

In Dr. Hall’s belief, a strong connection with others is essential to forging one’s own path.  In fact his success as both an MD and now as a forerunner in the world of traditional-meets-functional medicine is due in large part to those who mentored and helped him achieve success throughout his life. 

“I also brought with that a sense of gratitude and a real notion that those blessings were not things that should end with me, but should perpetuate through me to others,” Dr. Hall said.

Dr. Hall approaches both health and life from the understanding that there is “an accessible greater intelligence that we can tap into and draw from.”  This intelligence serves many roles, he said.  It offers new information, a place to still our minds and hearts, and an opportunity to simply take comfort in its existence. 

“We also find there a place for taking our own emotions and thoughts… to view them from a distance and create a new optic about how we feel and how we think,” Dr. Hall said.  “To me part of spirituality is recognition is that once you’ve done that and shared that… you’ve changed this greater intelligence for everyone else.”

Similarly Dr. Hall treats his patients by observing a variety of health points and creating a wide-angle vision of what’s happening.

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