Mother Earth is bountiful and will provide, has provided. Humans survived long before we had WiFi, Google and Starbucks. I know some must find it hard to believe based on the amount of data they consume, information they've got at hand and how much Starbucks they buy, but it's true. So many natural remedies and foods have been used and lost in the current age.
Oh how far we have fallen.
The advent of the industrial and technological ages has taken us far away from our dependence on what we can hunt and or gather. I shop at the grocery (or even big box) store and I don't know the family who grew it, harvested it, raised it, slaughtered it, packaged it or transported it. The only food that grows in my garden is basil for anything Italian that I cook or a caprese salad. And I bought the basil plant from the grocery store!
Listening to my book drives me to yearn for simpler times. Times when we relied more on what was all around us instead of demanding faster, easier, lazier, more processed choices. Times when we did heal with nature, as that's all there was available.
Let's work toward finding a balance.
Grounding Rod - Focusing your energy in the present moment
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