Friday, October 7, 2016

Harvest your creativity

A very important piece of self development is allowing yourself to harvest your talents. If you're creative, allow your creativity to flow. Elisabeth Ladwig is a very talented conceptual photographer who lets her talent flow. When she creates something new, we're always excited to share.

|  New Series : Home Away |
After the last newsletter went out, in which I mentioned this new series of haunted houses, my aunt asked me, "Why would a house be out at sea? Why not on land?" I didn't yet have an answer. I had been following my usual create-first-make-sense-of-it-later process. The more I let things flow without concern for logic or rules, the more layers of meaning I find hidden in the finished artwork later on.
"All truths are but half-truths." ~ Ancient Paradox
Home Away 1 - Elisabeth Ladwig
In Home Away 1, I was struck by the contrast of the ghost's enclosed space and the cormorant's open, endless ocean ~ inside and outside; entrapment and freedom; ignorance (or perhaps, numbness) and awareness; and of course, death and life. The Law of Polarity states that opposites are "identical in nature, but different in degree" ~ there is no hard line between them. What is the magic number that defines something as high or low? Light or dark? At what specific temperature does something go from hot to cold? Opposites essentially define each other.
A ghost in the window may convey death to some and life to others; or maybe life and death share the same space, their coexistence allowing us to discover the life in death and the death in life. If our bodies die just a little every day as new cells replace the old, or if we leave behind any vibrating matter ~ life ~ after our last breath, at what point do we really live or die? Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that death doesn't exist at all, that there is only life with its infinite transformations, its endings and beginnings, and all the microscopic grey areas in between....

Visit Elisabeth and check out some more of her awesome work at 

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