Monday, June 20, 2016

The party that's giving back

Looking for good music, good food, and good times this weekend? Look no further than A Party for the People, happening Sunday, June 26th in Middletown, RI. The day is about creating a sense of community and goodwill for all of us who have given back in some way to help others, event organizer and owner of Good Time Productions, Michael Hayes, said.

"Everything that happens impacts the next person because [on the island] they're so close," Michael said. "I wanted to give something back to everybody.  We are always struck by tragedy, but I wanted to do this for a positive reason."

Over the past decade, Michael's watched friends battle cancer, lose their loved ones and homes unexpectedly to tragedy, and time and time again, he's seen his neighbors and community pull together to help those suffering and in need. These are the people who have inspired Michael by their strength and endurance. They have inspired others to be the best version of themselves, and they are the reason that he finally decided to pull together his resources, create Good Time Productions, and give back to the community in a moment of positivity, not grief.

"Everyone on Aquidneck Island has come together to help each other at one time or another," Michael said.

To add to the energy of giving back, a portion of all proceeds for the party will be donated to the Potter League for animals, helping them rescue animals for adoption. 

"It was not my intention to be selfish in this," Michael said. "I knew there would be extra money, and I wanted it to go somewhere that deserved it. I've had 3 dogs, and each one has been a rescue dog from Potter League.  These animals are a part of the island, too."

Michael has been a musician and a songwriter since he was 13, and a cook for about as long.  He loves people, loves organizing, loves bringing people together, and realized that his strength is in the combination of these talents, rather than in any one specifically. A Party for the People became a way to combine his passions into one monster undertaking that is bringing the community together for a positive cause.

"I want people to walk away inspired and fulfilled in a way, not only knowing that they had a great time, but just by the thought that it wasn't tragedy that brought us together.  The people that have survived, the people that have donated all that money and don't need anything in return.  That they had a good time, not feeling broke, or that they were taken advantage of by this fair."

This is not a festival where you pay your entry fee, then keep paying all day.  This is a party for the people. This is an opportunity to remind each other of the good we do every day, of the good that we deserve, and the community we build in each moment of neighborly love.  It's a thank you for being you, for being good, and for giving back.

Interested in going? 
 Discover more info and buy advance tickets at

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