Friday, June 17, 2016

NJ Event - Drum Circle tomorrow night!

Reflecting on recent losses, near and far, I know it's ever important to celebrate life. So, let's make some noise! If you haven't already, please let us know if you're coming.
Looking forward to spending this time with you,


Drumming with others is an ancient practice that people have used for millennia all over the globe to connect, heal, learn, witness and celebrate with each other. It’s only been in the last few hundred years that many people in our modern cultures have stopped connecting in this way. 

Drum Circle Facilitator Vera Remes will lead us as we use various forms of vibration, such as simple clapping, drum, and rattle rhythms to create deep relaxation which allows the mind and body to become quiet.  Circle may include group drumming, chanting and breath work which will lead you to gain energized mental clarity, open creative inspiration, and expand your conscious awareness.  There will be elements of meditation and shamanic journeying (meditation for Type A personalities) and the inevitable Reiki share. ;) ;) Carving out this time to practice this form of meditation will deepen your access to relaxation and provide an opportunity for sharing your experiences. 

Let's Celebrate the Full Strawberry Moon
with a
Drum Circle & Bonfire
on Saturday, June 18th

As you've noticed, we planned the drum circle schedule around the full moon—the Algonquin tribes knew this Moon as a time to gather ripening strawberries. It is also known as the Rose Moon and the Hot Moon. 

I have a feeling this will be a really sweet celebration!

Beginning at 7pm at Reiki Ruth's Retreat

  Your $15 per person donation to help cover expenses is greatly appreciated,
we would not be able to continue without your generous participation!

Please feel free to bring a friend, and a drum, rattle
or percussion instrument of your choice.

(Extra drums and rattles will be available. Don't worry if you're not musical, you can't do it wrong!)

The path is rugged in spots, so please wear sturdy shoes.
We expect to be outside, so wear/bring an extra layer in case it gets chilly.
(If it's too cold or raining, we can always move indoors!)

Over the river and through the woods... 30 Colfax Drive, Ringwood, NJ 07456 Cross the footbridge, take the path to the left past the house and up the hill to the fire pit. Telephone: 973-728-3535 or 201-960-4893

For the full schedule of drum circles this year, go to:


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