Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How Charlapalooza rocked my world

Danielle Rose and Charla Dury in 2007
Strict guidelines, ridiculous suggestions, and sometimes tight forms totally stretched my creative muscle back in 2006 when I first (most willingly) fell victim to Charlapalooza.  First of all, I met and became great friends with Mind Key Member, and creator of Charlapalooza, Charla Dury.  Secondly, of my best poems—a few of which were subsequently published—ensued.  Not only that, but Charlapalooza gave my writing exposure I had never experienced.  A ton of new readers, a spot on a Blog Talk radio show, publication, and editor positions were all to follow as a direct result of my participation.   From there I was invited to and traveled to poetry festivals, further building my network and my social networking skills both in person and online. 

I suppose you could say that without Charlapalooza Mind Key as we know it wouldn’t exist.  And perhaps because so much of my growth and success came from my writing and my readers, I’ve turned to this again as a fail-safe way to bring the Mind Key Members success, and to bring the Community (all of you!) more of what you are looking for as you discover your personal legend.

It’s all about stretching ourselves, and today we’re stretching again.  We’re used to the stretch of writing under quick deadlines, and coming up with quality work for insane suggestions (in fact we revel in the opportunity), but now we’re wondering how the heck to make Charlapalooza work on a platform that’s completely unlike myspace.  We’re running it on multiple platforms.  We’re figuring out how to promote and garner interest on Facebook, via our blogs, a newsletter, a website, and through the Mind Key community.  It’s not easy, but we’re learning, and in the process of stretching and learning we’re better learning how to get the word out there about our passions… and how we can use our talents to help others.

So there you have it.  One incredibly awesome game, created by one incredibly talented lady, brought into a new age for the good of all…. It’s exactly what Mind Key is all about—passion, connection, and a fairly good amount of work and levity.  Nice job Charla!

Meanwhile, here’s a little peek at a couple of my poems from previous Paloozas.  There’s still time to leave a suggestion for this one (window for suggestions closes at 10pm EDT), and even if you don’t, I hope you will return later this week or early next to read more and leave some votes for your favorites (anyone and everyone is welcome to vote!).

This suggestion was a poem about this guy... without using the word "pink."

It’s SALMON I say, but no one listens,
as I pedal past their wide eyed children.
It keeps me warm! I argue, It’s a Ralph Lauren!
But no one cares, they only point and stare.

It’s a battle against cancer, but not of the breasts
It’s a guy thing, the newest race
unicycles for prostates! Salmon the new hue,
The suit a gift from Mom, how could I say no?

Pinkies extended in that secret greeting,
Who needs Avon, when we have ESPN?
Seeking donations, cycling for days,
it’s sure to be this year’s biggest convention.

This poem was a request to write about the suggestion “Labia.”  Interestingly enough it not only won that topic for the Palooza, but was later published in a literary journal.

The first soft kiss upon a child’s sweet head;
Lips roughly pulled aside
to make way for the newborn.

(be sure to scroll to bottom, hit "SUBMIT" and make sure you receive our "SUCCESS!" page)

Mind Key on Charlapalooza

Charla's blog on Charlapalooza
by Charla Dury

Charla's musings: The origins of Charlapalooza and what it means to me

by Charla Dury

Charlapalooza Memories
by Rebecca Godina

How Charlapalooza Rocked my world
by Danielle Rose

Meet Charla: Charla Dury's Mind Key Introduction
by Danielle Rose

Link to Charlapalooza:

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