Monday, August 11, 2014

The Dark Summer

Where has summer gone?

Although I was prepared to launch into a new stage of Mind Key development during the summer months, June and July have turned into the regeneration period of the Dark Lady.  

This card has been coming up in readings lately, and it seems many of us are frustrated with the stagnancy and slow-movement of our life paths.

The same goes for me.  Summer has traditionally been a period of soaking in as much sun and salt water as I can (lake water works in a pinch).  Today I spend my days doing craft and story time, pulling dunked children out of the water, and searching the sand for missing beach toys.  It may not seem dark, but as The Dark Lady says, it also doesn’t seem like much of anything gets done (the state of my house will attest to this).

As The Dark Lady also assures me, that doesn’t mean I haven’t made progress.  At least my brain has, as if these moments of laziness (is that this is called?) have given thought the opportunity to run free.  This manifests itself in madness, insanity, and fleeting moments of peace and clarity.  It hasn’t seem like I’ve done much, but when I look at all I have done, the madness actually seems justified.

I’ve been learning more from the plants during my apprenticeship with herbalist Robin Rose Bennett, and studying and meditating with my guide for this year, the goddess Artemis. (more to come on my self-appointed apprenticeship projects).  

I am also working on events and projects such as the Summer Fest hosted by Trinity Metaphysical this weekend, August 16th & 17th at the Sussex County Fairgrounds (learn more about it in this week’s upcoming blog posts). 

Mind Key has also been blessed with fresh energy and support.  Stay tuned for more about our new Facebook page administrators that are sharing their vision of healing, sustainability and growth on a daily basis (you guys rock!). Once the website’s new artist and practitioners pages are up and running the Mind Key community will have an opportunity to discover more avenues and resources for your personal journey of self-discovery thanks to the overwhelming interest and support from practitioners such as Kevin Hall and Do Well Be Well in Haskell, NJ.

Also in the works is the next Mind Key retreat to be held near the Autumn Equinox on Saturday, September 21st.  The theme will be balance, with a focus on how to balance our dreams and personal visions with the task of daily life.  I’m currently looking for thoughts on what “balance” means to you and what kind of balance you are seeking, as well as practitioners interested in sharing their vision of this during the retreat.  Please share your thoughts in the comments below or by emailing
So, it may not seem as if summer produces much by the way of progress, but suddenly, as Ta’Om the Poet says, “Get it on paper, and then you’ll see where you’ve come and where you’re going.”  

He encourages you to do the same, here, in your journal, or on scraps of paper to be crumpled, burned or collaged on a vision board.  Thanks Ta’Om.

Many blessings,
Danielle Rose

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