Thursday, March 24, 2016

Meditations from the Other Side

Thoughts to Awaken the Spirit
Kathleen Santora teaches meditations and self-healing through the understanding of one’s own personal energy. A spiritual healer for the past 30 years, Kathleen began trance healing later when she became aware that angels were working with her during healings. She has since learned to step back and allow her angels to come forward and work through her.


I am in perfect balance
Today I will remember my perfection
I am in perfect balance
As I remember this every part of me heals
I am in perfect balance
My spirit in its perfection radiates to all of me In my remembrance
The vehicle that was given me remembers its function and it purpose
The universe in all its perfection
Sent us with perfection I will remember today I am in perfect balance 


If you enjoy Kathleen's meditation and would like to read more, click here to visit the Mind Key Store.  You can find Kathleen's first book of Meditations, Thoughts to Awaken the Spirit, as well as peruse all of the other awesome services that your Mind Key Community can offer.

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