Thursday, December 10, 2015

Holiday Season Stress? Yes, You've Got in Under Control

This month Mind Key will be sharing stories and tips for living in the moment with ease and brilliance this holiday. Inspirational author and motivational speaker, Azuka Zuke, provides encouragement and insights on how we can remain positive and present with our loved ones and the beauty of peace during even the most stressful moments this holiday.

author Azuka Zuke
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                   It’s holiday season again.  A time when we get into the frenzy of celebrations. From holiday songs to decoration adorned houses lining streets of holiday shoppers. For some people, this is an exciting time. But for others, this can also be a tough time of year. We all want peace, beauty, mindfulness, happiness, strength and joy, but oftentimes we find ourselves overwhelmed with to-do lists that are too long, school stress, financial stress, job stress,  family matters and even illness as the weather changes.
Do you find yourself in any of these challenges? Are you overwhelmed with the pressures of  the holiday season? Are you running late in meeting the demands of shopping for all your family members? Are you stressed financially at this time of year? If you are in this category, I can assure you now that there is a better way to make the situation stress free. As a published author and motivational speaker, I have some advice for you to give you hope to be able to navigate the stresses of the holiday season and even beyond.

1.     Develop a positive attitude and apply it to any situation in which you find yourself. Understand that holidays will come and go and more will come, so do not beat yourself down if you do not achieve all you intended. You don’t have to do everything in one day.   No matter how late you are running on schedule, stay positive for it is the best attitude. 

2.     Delegate some duties to trusted relatives so you can have some breathing space and rest.  Delegating authority is very important. Oftentimes we want to do it all. In our desire to do the will of God, we may take on too many responsibilities. In as much as it is done with a clear intention for positive results, we end up overwhelming ourselves. The key is this- be positively minded, be a positive leader, exhibit all the positive energy, but delegate responsibilities. Moses spent every day listening to complaints from his loved people until he was told to slow down lest he wear himself out. He was advised to appoint capable people to help carry the load. In essence he was advised to appoint leaders from the positively minded people that surrounded him. That way they could all lead together to achieve more results and never be overwhelmed. In other words, we should learn to delegate and release burdens sometimes.  That way we can achieve more.

3.     Surrounding yourself with positive and happy people who will always discuss how great the holiday season is going, no matter what . Avoid negativity and self-criticisms.  That is the first step to thinking positively. Change your thoughts to positives and you are on the road to creating a great holiday season.

4.     Finally, play good music that keeps your body and soul together, laugh more, and meditate every morning and last thing at night before bed to relax yourself. Remember no matter how stressful things may be, no matter how busy you are, rest is still very important and a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.

Stay the course, stay strong and enjoy the season, but stay positive. You’ll be fine.
-       Azuka Zuke, Motivational Speaker/ Author. A disciple of the movement  for change and gratitude.   

Azuka is the author of inspirational books and loves speaking in schools.  His books will be available for sale this week in the Mind Key store.

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