Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Online Dream Interpretation

I don’t have a Shaman or a psychic on hand every time I have a dream.  In fact, I just plain don’t have either of those folks in my life.  I do, however, have dreams.  As we all do.  We may not remember them when we wake up, but we all dream.

Since I don’t have a live dream interpreter handy, if a dream is weird, troubling or interesting to me, I turn to  There are a multitude of websites that claim to be the “correct” interpretation of your dreams, all backed by someone or other who says they know.  I chose dreammoods because #1, it was the first website of its kind that I had seen, #2, It has a dream “dictionary” where images are sorted by letter that I find very handy and #3, it has a convenient app for my iPhone. 

I am such a child of technology, I tell you!

I figure this dream dictionary has been built by studiers who delve into dream imagery and juxtapose it against the life events of the dreamer in order to provide some sort of context—hence the relative continuity of image definitions across multiple platforms.  There are even multiple definitions of images.  It could mean this or it could mean that.

But back to knowing…

How would they know?  I mean, seriously…?  How could they know?  Studiers of the brain know so little as it is, no one really knows what a dream means to an individual.

Why would you even seek answers then, Charla?  If you are so sure that no one really knows what a dream means to you?  Because I’m naturally curious what someone else might think the images in my dream mean. 

Sometimes a dream image or so-called “definition” of a dream image will hit home as something I’m dealing with in my life and give me pseudo-insight. And pseudo-insight can become deeper insight as I explore my feelings, other images from my dream, and how they could connect within my life at that moment.  How my brain processes my environment and my feelings is shown in my dream world.

There are certain images that hit home for me. 

When my mother (deceased) appears in my dreams, I’m yearning for comfort.  This makes sense to me.

When I’m in a house in my dream, that house represents me and rooms signify parts of me.  Each room or floor is a part of my psyche or soul and I can usually tell which part based on the furniture/inhabitants of the room.

When I dream about school, being in school or class, it signifies the expansion of learning or knowledge.  Either it’s happening now or it needs to happen.  I need to expand my horizons or they are being expanded for me.

When I see water, it represents my emotions and the state of the water is a gauge of my emotional state.

These are my recurring dream images.  They’re saved in my online dream dictionary.  They feel to be a given in my dream world.

Do you have “given” images in your dream world and where do you go for answers about your dreams?

Find more of my blogs and technological musings at

Please post some of your dreams or dream symbols and what they mean to you, 
or stop by tomorrow to discover more on dream interpretation.

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1 comment :

  1. I dream of water a lot. But it's never been clean or pretty water. I love water, so I've yet to figure this one out. I miss flying dreams.


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