On the day of my own Grandfather's wake, Everett Henry Casson (my Grandfather), was at the funeral home awaiting our families’ arrival. I am never early, in fact, I’m usually late but, for some odd reason, I was the first one there. I was 20 minutes early. I walked through the doors and the Funeral Director asks me who I was there to visit. I tell him that I'm there to visit my grandfather, and the man informs me that I’m the first one and that I can wait for the others in the sitting room. I told him i would be fine and would like to go in. He said ok. I walked right up to the open casket and looked at my grandfather.
Out loud I told him that he looked wonderful. I didn't even realize I had spoken. The Director came up to me and asked if everything was ok? I told him he did a great job with my Grandfather and that I would like to be alone with him.
I pulled up a chair right by the casket and told Pop-Pop how much I would miss him and how much I loved him. Then, all of a sudden, I got a weird feeling that he was there. I wasn't scared, I just knew.
So i said, “Pop, if you are here, stand by the head of your casket.” I just kept asking him to stand in different places snapping pictures with my iPhone 4.
He was there and he heard my words. They are around us. Just talk to them... they can hear you.
I still miss him every day.
(All photos are real. None have been altered in any way. The blurred area is where I asked him to stand, and he did. You can tell how half is blurry half is clear in the photo.)
Editors note: This blog gave us numerous issues: from strange HTML cropping up, to images rotating, to previews not loading. Three separate writers and editors had to work on it... and we're still not sure if it's running correctly. Take that as you will...
I still talk to my mom all the time.