Merriam Webster defines “connection” as: “a situation in which two or more things have the same cause, origin, goal, etc.”
Throughout history, humankind has relied on connection and community for survival, living in close proximity to neighbors, staying in the same family home for generations. The United States of America would not exist if not for communities that traveled across oceans with limited supplies, then learned to live in the wilderness together, raising their communities together, and often relying on no one but each other for many years.

Today we live in a global community tied together not by physical closeness as much as ease of contact. We may live in an apartment building where we know our neighbors only by the sound of their footsteps down the hall, but we can reach out to dozens of friends who live scattered about the globe in less than a second, visit them in half a day. News travels just as quickly these days, as does insight.
We quickly moved from a society dependent on our community of friends and neighbors to an isolated one that closed our doors and did not hang our dirty laundry out to dry. This adjustment period of the mid 20th century was probably essential, since now we air our dirty laundry on websites, blogs and social media sites for not just our tight-knit communities to see, but for the entire world to share. We went from essential community, to essentially no community, to a community that encompasses the entire globe.
For humanity to understand this adjustment in a way that makes sense on a physical and energetic level will take some time. This adjustment is what I believe our current energetic shift is all about. Technology has been a bridge to help us understand how connected we all are. It has helped us better understand the butterfly or ripple effect, proving humanity is just as powerful energetically as we are technologically.
In the end, it turns out that “connection,” however you define the term, and however you feel it pertains to life in general, is essential to humankind. Even those who choose to isolate themselves, whether in their home, their work, or in nature, find that that it only fosters a stronger connection to that thing in which they have isolated themselves. When we open ourselves to the myriad of connections possible, we become a vibrant, energetic community of shared information, pulsing with electrical impulses not unlike the worldwide web, a piece of machinery, or the human brain.
We hope that you will allow Mind Key to become a place to foster that sense of connection… a place where you can allow your brain to gain the information it needs to fire rapidly, make synergetic leaps, and to connect the dots to greater understanding and functionality.
What makes you feel connected? Please share your thoughts on the topic as a comment below, and please stop back each day this week as we continue to discuss the term “connection” and what it means for us.
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